National March For Life 2021

Each year, a culture of fear, loneliness and abandonment is resulting in the death of thousands of Canadians through abortion or lethal injection. Each day, 300 Canadian women undergo an abortion, where her baby’s body is ripped from the womb in a brutal procedure.  That same day more than 15 vulnerable Canadians will be killed by a doctor under the deceptive euphemism known as Medical Aid in Dying. Many believe these insidious acts are being carried out in the name of ‘choice’.  The real reason is ‘fear’ and a government obsessed with promoting a culture of death.

We are Canada’s National March for Life: one of hundreds of marches held all over the globe which stands in solidarity with society’s most vulnerable with one voice, one message: “You Are Not Alone.”


in the womb

Pregnancy is a Gift, Not a Disease!

Abortion is not an essential service. Pregnancy is not a “disease” that needs to be “cured”. Abortion is an elective “choice.” It is not medically necessary, nor is it a prescribed treatment for any ailment.

Now is not the time to prioritize elective abortion over essential health care.

Support Bill C-233: Save Canada’s Girls!

A majority of Canadians (84%) unequivocally reject the barbarous and discriminatory practice of sex-selective abortion.

Don’t Fund Private Abortion Businesses

Funding a private, for-profit abortion facility is a contravention of the Medical Services Payment Act (84-20, Schedule 2) which forbids the government from funding abortions outside of approved public hospitals. Taxpayers do not want their hard-earned money lining the pockets of those who get rich off the human tragedy of abortion.


fearing an unknown future

Support a Young Mother in Crisis

Find a local pregnancy support centre and volunteer your time! Such as the following:


Sisters for Life

Join Your 40 Days for Life Vigil

Help save lives by praying to end abortion. 

40 Days For Life 

Find a 40 Days for Life Vigil


Plan a Life Chain for this October

Life Chain is held simultaneously in more than 200 locations across Canada each year.

In 1990, Campaign Life Coalition brought Life Chain into Canada from the U.S., igniting a powerful public witness in our country that has endured the test of years, saved lives and changed hearts. Please consider organizing a Life Chain in your community this October.



who feels isolated and afraid

Stop the Expansion of Medical Murder Under Bill C-7 Petition

Every human life – no matter his/her age, medical condition, or disability, has equal value and is worthy of equal respect. In times of human weakness, sickness, or vulnerability, we must offer extraordinary support, compassion, and hope to those who are suffering. We must be mindful to always affirm the value and dignity of their life and person up to the moment of natural death.

The message of Bill C-7 and Mr. Trudeau’s ever-expanding euthanasia program says otherwise. It says some people are of less value, less worth, and less dignity than others – so much so that they should actually be killed.

Tell your MP to vote against Bill C-7.

Watch Euthanasia Deception 

Film Trailer:

Order Film Here: 

Watch Fatal Flaws: Legalizing Assisted Death

Support and Join The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition 

The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition is one of the few organizations in the world fighting euthanasia and assisted suicide. Please consider supporting them.


Mt 28:20

Faith at the March

At the heart of the National March for Life is a Christ-centred message of faith, hope, and love.

The Candlelight Vigil, held the evening before the march and rally, provides an opportunity to pray for abortion-minded women, post-abortive mothers and fathers, those experiencing a crisis pregnancy, abortion workers, and politicians. We pray for the end to abortion and that the lives of all human beings will be respected and protected from conception to natural death.

Masses and prayer services are staples of the week

We pray that mothers will choose life for their babies, post-abortive mothers and fathers, those experiencing a crisis pregnancy, abortion workers, and politicians. We pray for the end to abortion and that the lives of all human beings will be respected and protected from conception to natural death.

A Holy Hour for Life

We invite parishes to organize Adoration for Life in their own parishes. Send us your details and we’ll promote your event on our website.

Let’s  lift up prayers to Jesus, the Lord of Life for abortion-minded women, post-abortive mothers and fathers, those experiencing a crisis pregnancy, abortion workers, and politicians. As we come before the Blessed Sacrament, let us pray for the end to abortion and that the lives of all human beings will be respected and protected from conception to natural death.

On May 13, Canadians will march peacefully on Parliament Hill and online to implore our leaders to enact laws that protect life from conception until natural death.

Together, let us reach out and tell those most in need,

You are not alone.

Together, let us March for Life on May 13.

March For Life Week – May 9-14!

The countdown is on to the 24th National March for Life in Ottawa and Online.
Join us as we salute the March for Life with a special theme for each day of the week:


A review of some of the greatest pro-life films ever produced.


A look back at powerful moments that have led up to what the March is today.


Inspirational stories from individuals who have lived the pro-life experience.


A look at our March for Life partners throughout the world.


A salute to Canada’s pro-life youth.


The truth about abortion and euthanasia in Canada.


A look back on some memorable speakers from the March for Life.